Channel Management

Ensure a clean and organized chat environment with AbsurdBot's channel management commands.

In-Discord Commands

  • !checkdupe: Manage duplicate message checks.
  • !checkpart: Manage channels for member part checks. Will attempt to delete as many messages from parting member in checked channels as possible.
  • !channel: Manages locking and unlocking channels.
  • !setcharactercount: Set the minimum character count for a specific channel.
  • !slowmode: Enables slowmode in a channel for a specified duration.
  • !filter: Manages filters in the server.


Configure the settings for duplicate message management. You can set the allowed number of duplicate messages and specify the channels where this feature should be enforced.

    Usage: !checkdupe <subcommand> [arguments]
  • !checkdupe set [maxAllowed]: Set the maximum number of allowed duplicate messages.
  • !checkdupe list: List all channels currently being checked for duplicates.
  • !checkdupe add [chan ID / category ID]: Add a channel or all channels under a category to the list of channels checked for duplicates.
  • !checkdupe del [chan ID]:: Remove a channel from the list of channels checked for duplicates.
  • !checkdupe purge: Remove all channels from the duplicate check list.


Configure the settings for message filtering management.

    Usage: !filter <subcommand> [arguments]
  • !filter caps [enable|disable]: Enables or disables caps detection.
  • !filter keyword [add|remove] [keyword]: Adds or removes a keyword from the filter list.
  • !filter link [link]: Adds or removes a link from the filter list.
  • !filter mod @role: Assigns roles that can manage filters.
  • !filter discordinvites [on|off] [#channel]: Toggles Discord invites filter per channel.


Configure the settings for deletion of messages when a member leaves. This command respects Discords API. ALL messages will not be deleted, only up to Discords API Limits.

    Usage: !checkpart <subcommand> [arguments]
  • !checkpart list: List all channels currently being checked for message deletions.
  • !checkpart add [chan ID]:: Add a channel to the list of channels.
  • !checkpart del [chan ID]:: Remove a channel from the list of channels.
  • !checkpart purge: Remove all channels from the list.

Channel Locking

Lock and Unlock channels.

    Usage: !channel <subcommand> [arguments]
  • !channel lock [#channel]: Lock a Channel.
  • !channel add [#channel]:: Unlock a channel.

Set Character Count

Configure the settings for character count enforcement. Posted messages below the set number of characters will be deleted.

    Usage: !setcharactercount <subcommand> [arguments]
  • !checkpart [channel id] [num characters]: List all channels currently being checked for message deletions.


Configure the settings to enable slowmode for a channel.

    Usage: !slowmode <subcommand> [arguments]
  • !slowmode [0-21600 seconds]: Enable slowmode for a channel. Set to 0 to disable.