Member Management

Maintain a safe and orderly chat space with comprehensive member management commands. Easily ban, kick, mute, and warn users to uphold community standards, and manage user information efficiently.

In-Discord Commands

  • !ban: Manage bans in the server.
  • !kick: Kicks a user from the server.
  • !mute: Manages muting and unmuting users in the server.
  • !tempban: Temporarily bans a user from the server.
  • !warn: Warns a user.
  • !list-warnings: Lists all warnings for a user.
  • !nick: Changes the nickname of a user. Usage: !nick <@user> <new nickname>.
  • !report: Reports a user.
  • !user-info: Displays information about a user.


Ban Usage:

  • !ban @user <reason>: Bans the mentioned user with a provided reason (required).
  • !ban <user_id> <reason>: Bans the user with the specified ID and provided reason (required).
  • !ban unban <user_id>: Unbans the user with the specified ID.


Kick Usage:

  • !kick @user <reason>: Kicks the mentioned user with a provided reason (required).
  • !kick <user_id> <reason>: Kicks the user with the specified ID and provided reason (required).


Mute Usage:

  • !mute @user: Mutes the mentioned user.
  • !mute <user_id>: Mutes the user with the specified ID.
  • !mute unmute @user: Unmutes the mentioned user.
  • !mute unmute <user_id>: Unmutes the user with the specified ID.

Temp Ban

Tempban Usage:

  • !tempban @user <duration> <reason>: Temporarily bans the mentioned user for the specified duration (in seconds) with a provided reason (required).
  • !tempban <user_id> <duration> <reason>: Temporarily bans the user with the specified ID for the specified duration (in seconds) with a provided reason (required).


Warn can be used by any moderator with Kick permission.

Warn Usage:

  • !warn @user <reason>: Warns the mentioned user with a provided reason.


Nick Usage:

  • !nick <@user> <new nickname>: Changes the nickname of a user.


Report Usage:

  • !report @user <reason>: Reports the mentioned user with a provided reason.

User Info

User Info Usage:

  • !user-info @user: Displays information about the mentioned user.