Welcome Messages

Make new members feel at home with customizable welcome messages. AbsurdBot can automatically greet new members, providing them with essential information and a warm welcome to your community. For ease of use, consider setting up welcome messages through our website with the embed builder for a seamless experience.

Setting Up Welcome Messages

  1. Navigate to the AbsurdBot dashboard.
  2. Go to the Welcome Messages section.
  3. Customize the welcome message template.
  4. Save your settings.

Managing Welcome Messages

AbsurdBot will send welcome messages to new members based on your customized template. You can update the welcome message as needed in the dashboard.

In-Discord Commands

In addition to the dashboard, you can manage welcome messages directly within Discord using the following commands:

  • !welcome show: Displays the current welcome message.
  • !welcome set <#channel> <welcome_message> --color <color> --title <title> --thumbnail <thumbnail_url> --footer <footer>: Sets a new welcome message.

Detailed Explanation:

  • !welcome show: This command will display the current welcome message that is set for your server. Use this to review the welcome message before making any changes.
  • !welcome set <#channel> <welcome_message> --color <color> --title <title> --thumbnail <thumbnail_url> --footer <footer>: This is a versatile command that allows you to set a customized welcome message. Here’s a breakdown of the parameters:
    • <#channel>: Specify the channel where the welcome message should be sent.
    • <welcome_message>: The message content that will be sent to new members.
    • --color <color>: Optional. Set the color of the message embed. Use a hex code or predefined color name.
    • --title <title>: Optional. Add a title to the welcome message embed.
    • --thumbnail <thumbnail_url>: Optional. Include a thumbnail image in the welcome message embed.
    • --footer <footer>: Optional. Add a footer to the welcome message embed.