ChatGPT Integration

Bring AI-powered conversations to your server with AbsurdBot's ChatGPT integration.

Members can interact with the bot using natural language, making conversations more engaging and dynamic.

Enhance your Discord server's interactions and create an atmosphere of continuous engagement and discussion.

ChatGPT integration is a Patreon subscriber-only feature.

However, we occasionally sponsor servers to provide free ChatGPT access. If you're interested, please contact us for more details.

Managing ChatGPT Integration

AbsurdBot will use the ChatGPT API to respond to user interactions.

If no custom prompts are created for your guild, AbsurdBut will pick one of 50 of a varity of default prompts to respond as, Everything from an Absurdly Absurd Chattbot, to responding like Captain Kirk of the Star Trek Enterprise or a Magical Wizard in a High Realm.

You can configure the behavior and response style with the !setchat command. Here are the available subcommands to manage chat access and custom prompts for roles:

Available Subcommands

  • !setchat on <@role-mention> - Enable chat access for the specified role.
  • !setchat off <@role-mention> - Disable chat access for the specified role.

  • The following example enables any guild member with the 'canchat' role to talk to AbsurdBot.
    Example: !setchat on @canchat

  • !setchat add <prompt-text> - Add a new custom prompt (limit 450 characters).
  • !setchat delete <prompt-id> - Delete a custom prompt by its ID.
  • !setchat list - List all custom prompts for the guild.
  • The following example sets a custom behaviour for AbsurdBot.

    Example: !setchat add Respond as a Technical Wizard, Being factually helpful and providing information about tech gear. If a member asks about the Discord Server, Tell them they are in the Technical Help Discord server

Benefits of ChatGPT-Enabled Chatbot

Having a ChatGPT-enabled chatbot in your Discord server provides numerous benefits:

  • Engagement:
    Encourage members to interact more frequently with engaging and dynamic conversations.
  • 24/7 Assistance:
    Provide round-the-clock assistance and interaction, ensuring that your server remains active even when you're not around.
  • Customizability:
    Tailor the bot's responses to match the tone and style of your community with custom prompts.
  • Learning and Fun:
    Create an environment where members can learn, ask questions, and have fun conversations with the bot.
  • Moderation Help:
    Use the bot to answer common questions and direct users to the right channels or resources, easing the load on human moderators.