SetTwitch Command

The powerful !settwitch command allows guild owners to manage stream notifications efficiently. Set a dedicated channel for announcements, assign a specific role for users who can add their own Twitch streams, and configure a role hoist for live streamers.

How to Use the SetTwitch Command

  1. Use the !settwitch command followed by the channel name to set the announcement channel.
  2. Assign a role to users who can add their Twitch streams by using the !settwitch role [role name] command.
  3. Configure the role hoist for live streamers using !settwitch hoistrole [role name].

In-Discord Commands

Usage: !settwitch <subcommand> [arguments]

  • setchannel [channel ID]: Set the channel for stream announcements.
  • setrole [role ID]: Set the role that can add their stream URL.
  • hoistrole [role ID]: Set the role to be assigned to streamers when they go live.
  • addstream [twitch URL] [Discord User Mention]: Add your Twitch stream URL.
  • delstream [twitch URL]: Remove your Twitch stream URL.
  • list: List all Twitch streams.
  • tms role @role: Set the role mention for Twitch live notifications.
  • tms message [custom message]: Set the custom message for Twitch live notifications.
  • tms clearrole: Clear the role mention for Twitch live notifications.
  • tms clearmessage: Clear the custom message for Twitch live notifications.

Managing SetTwitch Command

Users with the designated role can link their own Twitch accounts, enabling AbsurdBot to announce their streams automatically. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to use these commands.

Managing Twitch Streams on the Dashboard

In addition to using in-Discord commands, you can manage your Twitch stream settings directly from the AbsurdBot dashboard. The dashboard provides a user-friendly interface to set the announcement channel, assign streamer roles, and customize notification messages.

  • Announcement Channel: Set the channel where stream announcements should go.
  • Set Streamer Role: Assign a role that allows members to add their own stream URLs.
  • Set Hoist Role: Automatically assign a role to streamers when they go live.
  • Set Mention Role: Set the role that is mentioned when a streamer goes live.
  • Set Embed Custom Message: Add a custom message to the going live embed.
  • Manage Streams: Add or remove Twitch streams.

Each of these options can be accessed and configured through the respective fields and buttons on the dashboard, providing a seamless way to manage your streaming settings.